Awards & Grants Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Funding Request Type: *Research StudyTechnical ProcedureEducational/Professional MeetingSpecial ProjectPlease select the option that best fits your funding request.Applicant (Individual/Organization): *Mailing Address: *City: *State: *Zip Code: *Telephone Number: *Email Address *Project Title: *Proposed Support Period (Dates): *Total Cost of Project: *Amount Requested: *Has this proposal been submitted previously to any agency? *YesNoIf you answered yes to the question above, please include the name of the agency below.Date previously submitted:Outcome of previous submission:Is other external support being sought for this application? *YesNoIf you answered yes to the question above, please include the name of other funding sources below:Date other funding source application was submitted:When will the outcome of the application be known?If a Research Study, does the proposed project involve Human Subjects? *YesNoPlease summarize the following proposed budget items *Single Line Text *Single Line Text (copy) *Single Line Text (copy) (copy) *Single Line Text (copy) (copy) (copy) *Please provide a detailed justification for the proposed budget. *If this application is for supplemental funding, please explain the other source(s) of funding and specifically what portions of the budget are to be covered by the funds from the Editorial Council.Describe succinctly but completely, the significance of your proposal and how it will satisfy the funding criteria of the Editorial Council. If you are proposing a Research Project, include also the Project Plan and Specific Aims. *NameSubmit Application