Our Sponsoring Organizations
Founding Organizations
Sponsoring Organizations
Becoming a Sponsoring Organization of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
An organization can become a sponsor of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry by sending a letter expressing their interest in doing so to the Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry’s headquarters at:
Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
225 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 650
Chicago, IL 60606
The letter should contain the following items which will be presented to the Editorial Council for their consideration at their next meeting. The organization will be informed of the action of the Editorial Council by mail. The items to be included in the letter of inquiry are:
- A letter from the President of the Organization written to the Chair of the Editorial Council, requesting affiliation with The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
- A copy of the Organization’s Constitution and Bylaws or other similar documents.
- A copy of a recent announcement of the Organization’s scientific meeting which demonstrates that the Organization meets either annually or bi-annually.
- The names and addresses of the officers of the Organization.
A Sponsoring Organization of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Being a Sponsoring Organization of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry provides a number of benefits for the Organization, and its Members. The print Journal and the www.thejpd.org ePublication website are published monthly and provide important scientific evidence and support of patient care in the areas of esthetics, implant dentistry, and prosthetic treatment.
Benefits for a Sponsoring Organization:
- Sponsoring Organization members will receive a reduced subscription rate based on the “en bloc” subscription enrollment plan (print and online or online only) offered by the organization. The print monthly subscription rate for a Sponsoring Organization is based on the registered address of the organization (i.e. United States, Canada, or International) and/or the mailing address location of each member. If an organization selects the online only option, the individual members will have the option to upgrade to print by paying the difference directly to Elsevier.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry from the Sponsoring Organization Liaison, that report material presented at an annual meeting of the Sponsoring Organization, and found acceptable by the Editor of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry through the peer-review process, will receive priority publication.
- Announcements, news, and/or photographs of significant events involving the Sponsoring Organization can be published in the “News and Notes” sections of the print and ePublication issues of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Future meeting dates of the Sponsoring Organization will be published as well.
- Sponsoring Organizations are invited to participate in developing their own individually created website on (www.thejpd.com) a special website developed by the Editorial Council for Sponsoring Organizations of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. There is NO initial or annual cost for any Sponsoring Organization that wishes to use this special site to develop their own website on (www.thejpd.com).
- Sponsoring Organizations that use the www.thejpd.com website to develop their own organization website will be invited to attend a workshop in Chicago, IL during the Midwinter meeting each year at NO charge. The workshop will be taught by Ms. Christine Wyatt, the Webmaster for the Editorial Council, and she will present the updates to the special website software.
- Sponsoring Organizations will have the opportunity to participate in special projects that are financially supported by the Editorial Council.
- Sponsoring Organizations will have the opportunity to apply for Awards & Grants to the ECJPD.
- The Sponsoring Organization will provide the Office of the Chair of the Editorial Council, and the Office of the Editor of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry with the names and contact information of the Officers of the Sponsoring Organizations each year following their annual meeting for publication in the print issue of the Journal, and the ePublication issue.
- Sponsoring Organizations will be recognized by name in the front pages of each monthly issue of the printed copy of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, as well as the Journal monthly issue that appears as an ePublication at the www.thejpd.org website, announcing to the world their support of the Journal and their commitment to the interchange of ideas among individuals interested in advancing the knowledge and skills in implant dentistry, and esthetic and prosthetic dentistry.
- A Sponsoring Organization is expected to appoint a Sponsoring Organization Liaison who will serve as the contact person between the Office of the Editor of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and the Sponsoring Organization.
- The Sponsoring Organization Liaison will be listed by name and contact details in the print and ePublication monthly issues of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
- The Sponsoring Organization with members whose primary language is not English can enroll 75% of its members as “en bloc” subscribers to the JPD each year to become a sponsor of the Journal. The Editorial Council will also consider special enrollment programs for a sponsoring organization whose memberships are not limited to dentists but also include members outside the dental profession.
- The Sponsoring Organization will forward the names and contact information of their “en bloc” subscribers no later than December 1, each year to the Office of the Chair of the Editorial Council who in turn will coordinate the subscription enrollment and billing process of the Sponsoring Organization and its members for the print issue of the Journal, and the ePublication issue of the www.thejpd.org website.
Revised as of July 2021
Working together the Sponsoring Organizations and the Editorial Council will continue to maintain The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry as the premier Journal of restorative and prosthetic dentistry.