About the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
The leadership of three organizations, the Academy of Prosthodontics (formerly the Academy of Denture Prosthetics, the American Prosthodontic Society (formerly the American Denture Society), and the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics (formerly the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontists) recognized in 1950 the need for the interchange of ideas among individuals interested in restorative and prosthetic dentistry.
This interchange needed to extend beyond the attendance by individuals at annual meetings of the organizations in order to reach a greater number of dentists who for one reason or another were unable to be present for the spoken word. What emerged was The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry that during the past fifty plus years has advanced the basic and applied science of restorative and prosthetic dentistry and the skillful management of the clinical and technical art of patient therapy.
Based on a critical review process and guided by the foremost authorities in all disciplines of prosthetic and restorative dentistry, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry has and will continue to communicate the standards for education, research, and the prosthetic and restorative care of patients. The operation of the Journal rests with the Editorial Council.
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry is a highly respected and trusted educational resource. The Journal is the official publication for 31 leading U.S. and international sponsoring organizations and is the leading professional journal devoted exclusively to prosthetic and restorative dentistry. The Journal serves general dentists, prosthodontists, and other dental specialists because of its diversity in featuring timely and original articles on the newest techniques, dental material science research, and both research findings and clinical management in implants, ceramics, composites, crown and bridge rehabilitations, and removable partial prosthodontics. Color photographs illustrate many step-by-step procedures. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry ranks in the top 12.8% of the 5,684 scientific journals most frequently cited (2000 Science Citation Index).

Past Editors of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

Dr. Carl O. Boucher
Dr. Carl O. Boucher as the President of the Academy of Prosthodontics played a major role in the development of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and the organizational structure of the Editorial Council. He along with Dr. Louis S. Block and Mr. Joel A Rogers, Vice President Mosby Publishing Company spent countless hours in discussions about the Journal and its purpose. In a letter to the C.V. Mosby Company in early 1950, Dr. Boucher wrote, “Prosthodontics has been established as a recognized specialty in dentistry, and as such there is a need for a more complete means for the collection and dissemination of the information related to restorative and prosthetic dentistry than has been available in the past. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry will serve that end…” Dr. Boucher was appointed the first Editor of the Journal on October 27, 1950.
Dr. Boucher served as Editor from 1951 until his retirement in 1975. He set the course for the Journal developing its structure, format and editorial process. He was devoted throughout his life to the advancement of Prosthodontics and to the teaching of those who desire to learn this field of dentistry. It is no surprise the Dr. Boucher was a major player in the creation of the Journal.
Dr. Judson C. Hickey
Dr. Judson C. Hickey was appointed Editor of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry in 1975 following the retirement of Dr. Carl O. Boucher. He served in that capacity for 34 years and his unwavering commitment to the Journal was exemplary. His leadership was a combination of strength, and determination. When needed he was able to demonstrate and a courage that was tempered by both gentleness and the compassion he felt for his fellow man. The brilliance of his intellect was demonstrated throughout his tenure as Editor. He brought a rare insight to the Office of the Editor and stimulated the growth of the Journal to a truly international publication that today is sponsored by both domestic and international general dentistry and prosthodontic organizations. The Judson C. Hickey Scientific Writing Award was established by the Editorial Council to honor Dr. Hickey.
The distinguished career of Dr. Hickey as Editor of the Journal and his leadership, contributions, and dedication to the transfer of information through The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry in dental education, research, and patient care are of historic proportions.

Dr. Glen P. McGivney
Dr. Glen P. McGivney was appointed Editor in 1991. Prior to being named Editor he served as a manuscript reviewer for the Journal and a member of the Editorial Council. As the Editor, his direction and guidance of a manuscript through the review process was greatly improved. Through his efforts and organizational skills the submission-to-publication time for manuscripts was reduced from 24 months to 6-12 months. He is truly an advocate for the author and has provided them with more information about the manuscript submission process and what is expected of them than was ever available in the past. Recognizing the importance for standardization of the reviewers, Dr. McGivney with the assistance of consultant Dr. Stephen C. Bayne established the annual Editorial Council Reviewers Workshop. He has moved the Journal into the 21st century with instituting all-electronic review and manuscript tracking programs.
Dr. McGivney has been a major influence in publishing the Evidence-Based Dentistry series of articles in the Journal. He presided over major changes in the cover design, paper stock, and the format of the Journal during his tenure. He judiciously and appropriately increased the use of color illustrations. Under his tenure, an outcome assessments program was developed to review the Journal on an annual basis; moreover, the quality of the Journal has improved steadily, as is evidenced by its increasing citation frequency, high scientific impact factor, and status as a leading publication in evidence-based dentistry articles. The Journal has benefited immensely under the direction and guidance of Editor Glen P. McGivney.
Dr. Carol A. Lefebvre
Dr. Carol A. Lefebvre was appointed as the first female editor of the Journal in 2003 after serving as Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Council for four years. From 1997-2001 she served as the chair of the Judson C. Hickey Scientific Writing Competition Committee.
During her tenure the use of color was expanded throughout the Journal and color reproduction was significantly improved. Also at this time, the Editorial Council assumed responsibility for production of the Journal. As part of this process, the Journal was redesigned cover to cover, including improving the quality of paper, standardization of figures, illustrations, and tables and article layout. Nature photography was introduced as cover art to enhance the esthetic appeal of the Journal.
Dr. Lefebvre worked closely with the Chair of the Editorial Council, Dr. Brien Lang, to develop The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Publication Standards of Ethical Conduct. Also, during this time anti-plagiarism software was introduced for all manuscripts to minimize the potential of scientific misconduct.
The American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics honored Dr. Lefebvre by naming their Scientific Poster Award after her in honor of her tenure as Editor.

The Mosby Publishing Company

Mr. Joel A. Rogers
Mr. Joel A. Rogers embraced the concept of a Journal and with Drs. Louis S. Block and Carl O. Boucher formed an alliance that forged the organizational structure and financial arrangements for what has become known as The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Mr. Rogers was as dedicated to the publishing of the Journal as were Drs. Block and Boucher, and the members of the Editorial Council. All the efforts of these individuals to produce a Journal may not have come to fruition had it not been for Mr. Rogers. Dr. Roland D. Fisher, President of the Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontists wrote in a letter to Dr. Louis S. Block on August 14, 1950, “The paper shortage (as a result of war) will no doubt cause all publishers some alarm. We can only hope that the preliminary hysteria will settle down to a thoughtful planning which will not place in jeopardy our already treasured plans. As you say, a year book in a pinch would at least keep the embryonic journal from miscarriage.” However, not to be denied, Mr. Joel A. Rogers responded in a letter dated August 16, 1950 to Dr. Block, “I believe that we’ve gotten the matter of paper supplies solved…” When an agreement to proceed was announced by the historic telegram sent by Dr. Louis S. Block to Mr. Joel A Rogers on October 20, 1950 the Journal was born. The telegram read, “Presidents and Secretaries of American Denture Society, Academy of Denture Prosthetics and Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontists as well as Editor and the Chairman of the Editorial Council have signed contract. This should suffice to authorize you to proceed with plans for publication.”
Ms. Cheryl A. Smart
Ms. Cheryl A. Smart is currently the Executive Publisher for the Mosby Publishing Company. She served as Publisher of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry from 1981 to 1997. In her position as Publisher, Ms. Smart had the opportunity to work closely with Editor Dr. Judson C. Hickey up until 1991. During those years she and Dr. Hickey, working together, were instrumental in a complete redesign of the Journal reflecting the changing needs of restorative and prosthetic dentistry. The burgeoning growth of information in dentistry in general and Prosthodontics in particular made it necessary to embark on change and a new organizational structure to the Journal. When Dr. McGivney was appointed Editor in 1991, Ms. Smart continued providing assistance and guidance in bringing to our readers a Journal of excellence. When Dr. McGivney emphasized the need for additional improvements and more color illustrations in the Journal, it was Ms. Smart who made it happen. When major decisions involving the Journal and the Mosby Publishing Company were needed they began with discussions between Ms. Smart and the Chairs of the Editorial Council. Drs. Louis Block, I. Kenneth Adisman, and Brien R. Lang all have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Smart during the 16 years of her tenure. Dr. Lang stated, “Cheryl is an excellent representative of the Mosby Company to work with and a person who above all else is totally dedicated to publication excellence when it comes to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.”

Ms. Cynthia Baudendistal
Ms. Cynthia Baudendistal assumed the position of Publisher of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry for the Mosby Publishing Company in 1998. Her energy, pursuit of purpose, evidence of leadership and dedication to the Mission of the Journal have been evident in the short time she has been working with the Editorial Council and the Editor Dr. Glen P. McGivney. Her administrative skills and devotion to assuring efficiency in the publication process have been outstanding. She has been a leading force in moving the Journal into the rapidly evolving world of online publication. Recognizing the need for rapid and easy access to the scientific literature, she has helped expand the Journal’s availability by using the resources of the Internet. Positioning the 7th Edition of the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms and the Evidence-Based Dentistry series of articles as separate items for viewers of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry web site www.mosby.com/prosdent are examples of her progressive leadership. The Editorial Council has express an interest in expanding the opportunities for the Journal to be read by individuals for whom English is not their spoken language. Ms. Baudendistel has been instrumental in developing the Journal in multiple languages. Abstracts in Portuguese for most articles in a monthly issue are now available on the web site. The Editorial Council and The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry are extremely fortunate to have Ms. Baudendistal as its Publisher.
The leadership, dedication and performance of the individuals cited as well as contributions of the many Assistant Editors, Reviewers, Consultants, and Editorial Council members involved with the Journal over the past 50 years must also be acknowledged. Their efforts have contributed significantly to the success The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry has achieved. Those of us currently in positions of leadership with The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry thank you one and all.